Relationships – Trust

Trust is the foundation of a successful relationship. It is the first element in the Relationship Quotient (RQ). Trust is the belief that a person will not put their interests ahead of yours. Without trust there can be no growth, no emotional healing and no peace. Trust is an act of honesty and courage.

Parents Professionals Schools Students


We would like to discuss helping people develop a Relationship Quotient (RQ) to assist them in creating quality relationships.

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Relationships – Integrity

The third quality in the Relationship Quotient (RQ) that creates quality relationships is integrity. The establishment of trust builds relationships, the way mistakes are forgiven cements it and when people act with integrity they build new pathways.

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Relationships – Hope

The fourth quality in the Relationship Quotient (RQ) is hope. Hope is the belief the future offers the prospects of better outcomes than the present. Hope is the promise to actively give, to promote the mutual purpose of the relationship and to always care for the other.

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Relatsionships – Forgiveness

Once trust has been established in a relationship it is important to know there will be times when it will be tested. There will be times when all of us make mistakes and our trustworthiness will be questioned. It is at these times that relationships will deepen through forgiveness. For this reason, forgiveness is the second element in the Relationship Quotient (RQ).

Parents Professionals Schools Students

Relationships – Compassion

You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. —Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird.

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Learning Strengths and Rewiring

The 300 trillion connections between your brain cells have an amazing amount of processing power. The way your brain processes information is as unique to you as your fingerprints.

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My Learning Strengths

Neuro-developmental differentiation (NDD) takes our knowledge on resilience and positive education into classrooms where it can make the most difference. One of the most powerful ways we can build resilience is to have students discover how to be successful learners.

Parents Professionals Schools Students

A Guide to Classroom Dynamics for Teachers

As a teacher you are in the business of running a gang. If you don’t learn how to run your gang, someone else will run it for you- and you may not like that. So let’s get into the interesting business of gang leadership for teachers.


How to Build Resilience

Compassion and love are our oldest medicines. Add to this hope and connectedness and we have the four most powerful ingredients of healing.


Anger – Rapid De-escalation Strategies

Anger is usually caused by feelings of injustice, frustration or being controlled or thwarted. Anger runs on a continuum from mild annoyance and irritation to rage.

Parents Schools

Set yourself up for a great year

Make this the year that you will remember for the rest of your life as the time you really set yourself on the pathway to success. There are several sure-fire ways to make this the best year so far.


How to make friends

One way to be happier is to increase the quality of our friendships. Whether you are a sociable person or a loner, friendships are important. One of the easiest ways to remain engaged and interested at school, at work or in life is to enjoy the company of the people that we are with.


Ten Hints for Creating Resilient Families

Resilience is the happy knack of being able to bungee jump through life. When the inevitable pitfalls and setbacks of life occur, it is as if you have an elasticised rope around your middle that helps you to bounce back from hard times.

Parents Schools

Resilience Pathways

How schools and communities can create resilient young people.


How parents can help students in the senior years of school

When you have a student completing Year 11 or 12, EVERYONE in the family is involved. This is a brief survival guide.


Preparing For Tests

If you have ever looked at a test or exam paper and thought, “I know that I know this but I can’t remember anything”, if you have stayed awake in the middle of the night worrying about a test the next day, if you have ever felt butterflies in your stomach or a headache whenever you think of an coming test, here are a few ideas for you.

Parents Schools Students

Don’t Waste Your Breath: An Introduction to the Mysterious World of the Adolescent Brain

Adolescents are a mystery to many adults – especially their parents. This presentation provides a wry and possibly even helpful overview of the way adolescents think. Based on a synthesis of recent research on early adolescence and mind development, implications for schools and families will be discussed. (Research Paper)

Parents Professionals Schools

Valuing Boys, Valuing Girls: Ten Things We Can Do to Create a Resilient Society

Much of the debate that rages around boys and girls education focuses on their minds and their respective achievements and rates of intellectual development. What is all too often ignored in this debate is the emotional development of these boys and girls as young people who are able to be compassionate, creative and caring. This doesn’t start with loving-kindness towards others; it starts with directing these feelings to your self. (Research Paper)

Parents Professionals Schools

Teaching Girls

The variability between girls can challenge teachers. This variability is often concealed, as girls often like to highlight their similarities with one another. Nevertheless, if you have a class that is predominantly girls there are some key things you can do to maximize their learning.


Teaching Boys

If you have predominantly boys in your class there are a number of things that you can do to improve behaviour and learning. These methods are likely to work with the majority of boys.


Reinventing Schools From the Brain Up

Schools are overdue for an upgrade. Let’s discuss and debate what schools would really look like if we based them on the available research on learning and neuroscience.


Effectively Teaching Mathematics

Learn from the best. In much of the western world, mathematics teachers instruct the students & solves problems. In Asia, a different format is followed.


Cyber Relationships

Cyber-safety is about relationships and how people behave rather than about technology. Almost two thirds of children have had a negative experience on-line and 20 % feel badly about something they have done online.  The following guidelines have been compiled from suggestions made by thousands of young people and may be useful to consider or use as a discussion point.

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Adolescent Learning

The adolescent brain is set up for being fast and impulsive and we need to help it move towards becoming slow and smart.


Ten Ways Schools Can Reduce Anxiety

The biggest barrier for most students to doing well at school is not their attitude, intelligence or motivation; it is their levels of anxiety.


From ‘Can’t Do’ to ‘Can Do’

“Whether you think you can or that you can’t, you are usually right”. Helping young people develop a positive growth oriented mindset where they can
improve over time and overcome setbacks powerfully predicts success.

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How to Increase Your Marks

Getting better marks has a lot to do with how you approach studying. The twelve most powerful ways to increase your marks don’t involve you working harder but they do involve you working smarter.

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Talking to Kids About Alcohol

In America if you say you want another alcoholic drink they think you have a problem. In Australia if you say you don’t drink alcohol people think you have a problem.


How to Stress Yourself Out

Getting stressed is pretty easy really. Just in case you need help in increasing your stress levels here are a few sure-fire tactics you can use.

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How to Build Confidence

Confidence is one of the most powerful, and one of the most elusive, qualities that creates success in life. Building confidence means that we develop the courage to try out new things.

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How to Be Happy

Life has its ups and downs. Even so there are some sure fire ways to increase your happiness.

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Depression-Proofing Your Kids

Almost every family will come into contact with depression. While I can’t guarantee that we can protect everyone from depression, there are things
that we can do to make it less likely.
