Setting Our Students and Ourselves up for 2040
It is estimated that we have experienced 0.1% of the technological changes we will see by 2040. This means we will all essentially be newbies as we begin to understand the enormity of the changes facing our world.
The world is poised at the point of one of the greatest changes in history and if our students are not able to capitalise on those opportunities, their ability to succeed will be lessened.
This presentation outlines the major digital innovations and revolutions foreseeable and considers the skills that will be needed in 2040. Three of the basic skills that are outlined are- show up (ready to learn and perform), opt in (rather than avoid) and be curious.
Duration- 1-1.5 hours this session could be valuable for staff or parents or both.

Converting Neurodiversity Into Neuro-advantage
Students with neurodiversity include students who are gifted, those who are oppositional or have dyslexia, or experience attention issues such as ADHD, or have experienced trauma as well as those who are on the spectrums. Each of these groups have strengths as well as vulnerabilities that can be catered for. Parents are equipped with strategies as well as the most recent gizmos, tech and methods that overcomes learning disadvantages for neurodiverse students.
Links directly with Andrew’s books Unlocking Your Child’s Genius and Neurodevelopmental Differentiation- Optimising brain systems to maximise learning.

Setting Our Students and Ourselves up for 2040
It is estimated that we have experienced 0.1% of the technological changes we will see by 2040. This means we will all essentially be newbies as we begin to understand the enormity of the changes facing our world.
The world is poised at the point of one of the greatest changes in history and if our students are not able to capitalise on those opportunities, their ability to succeed will be lessened.
This presentation outlines the major digital innovations and revolutions foreseeable and considers the skills that will be needed in 2040. Three of the basic skills that are outlined are- show up (ready to learn and perform), opt in (rather than avoid) and be curious.
Duration- 1-1.5 hours this session could be valuable for staff or parents or both.

CPR for School and Organisational Cultures
This presentation provides a research-based step by step process to building a sustainable high-performance culture in organisations.
- Identifying the gap between where you are and where you want to be
- Distilling your essential ‘why’
- Strength mapping your team and community
- Sharpening your communication and marketing messages
- Utilising pivotal people and points to maximise positive changes
- Executing strategic plans that work
- Measuring and re-aligning implementation methods.
Duration- Designed as an in-depth course but can be delivered in different timeframes.

Reading People
Our ability to ‘read’ the intentions and predict the actions of other people increases our ability to interact and communicate with them effectively. It is also increases our capacity to lead others. This presentation equips participants with skills in reading micro-expressions, understanding how the ‘tells’ used by mentalists and magician can be incorporated into our daily work to enhance our relationships and our effectiveness. These are the skills that really set great communicators and leaders apart.
Duration While designed as in-depth course, this can be tailored to any timeframe.

Converting Neurodiversity Into Neuro-advantage
Students with neurodiversity include students who are gifted, those who are oppositional or have dyslexia, or experience attention issues such as ADHD, or have experienced trauma as well as those who are on the spectrums. Each of these groups have strengths as well as vulnerabilities that can be catered for. Teachers are equipped with strategies as well as the most recent tech that overcomes learning disadvantages for neurodiverse students.
Links directly with Andrew’s books Unlocking Your Child’s Genius and Neurodevelopmental Differentiation- Optimising brain systems to maximise learning.

Building Resilience in Children, Teens & Families
- How to help children grow from setbacks
- How to assist them to settle after upsets
- How to develop confidence in themselves
- How to develop friendship skills
- The characteristics of resilience families and how to apply them in your home

Engaging Teens in Learning and Life
The seminar is aimed at helping you parent your teen towards success.
- Building a positive identity
- The three main types of motivation
- The mindset for success and how parents can create this in their teens.
- Parenting for Peace- Resolving conflicts.
- Essential conversations
Drawn from Andrew’s books ‘Tricky Teens’ and ‘Unlocking Your Child’s Genius’

Biohacking learning- increasing the power of learning in less time and magnifying motivation to achieve better results
An overview of how children and teenage brains learn and how parents can use this to create great lives for kids.
Topics include:
- Ideal learning times
- How to identify best (and worst times) for learning
- Neurochemistry and learning and motivation
- Goals are good but systems are better.
- How to wean your teen from the screen
- How parents can build upon learning strengths
Drawn partly Andrew’s books Unlocking Your Child’s Genius’ and ‘Neurodevelopmental Differentiation- Optimising Brain Systems for Learning’.

Identifying and Building Your Child’s Learning Strengths
Topics covered:
- Increasing motivation, confidence, and pleasure in learning
- Using spatial reasoning
- Developing number smarts
- Improving thinking and logic
- Building people skills
- Using perceptual and motor skills to enhance concentration and memory
- Increasing planning and sequencing
- Helping children develop confidence and the mindset for success
This can be run as a twilight ‘Brainology-Learning festival’ with parents, teachers, and students together.

The Big 6 Skills that Predict Success for Every Child
The key skills that parents can develop are:
- Memory
- Concentration
- Planning
- Learning strengths & Metacognition
- Impulse Control
- Emotional Regulation
To maximise parents learning from the session, we ask them to complete the learning strengths analysis at before coming to the session.
Drawn from Andrew’s book ‘Unlocking Your Child’s Genius’ & Neuro-developmental Differentiation- Optimising brain systems to maximise learning’

The Big 6 Skills that Create Wellbeing in Children and Teens
- Anxiety reduction
- Concentration
- Friendship skills
- Reducing Gaming
- Sleep and rest
- Increasing motivation
Drawn partly from Andrew’s books ‘Tricky Behaviours’ and ‘From Surviving to Thriving promoting mental health in young people’.

The System- how parents can help their children succeed at school
Topics covered:
- How to manage stress, tests and exams
- Why systems are better than goals
- How to plan for effective studying
- How to increase your academic results
- What parents can (and can’t do) to help
Drawn partly from Andrew’s books ‘Unlocking Your Child’s Genius’ and ‘Work Smarter Not harder’

Raising Respectful Young men and women
This is an in-depth examination of the forces of society that lead us towards disrespect and treat one another badly and provides an antidote.
Includes dealing with bullying behaviours.
Andrew’s materials in preventing bullying and improving relationships have been translated into 20 languages.

The Learning Brain and The Ideal Lesson
Provides the latest research on neuroscience as it relates to learning outcomes. Teachers are equipped to utilize this knowledge in planning effective learning experiences that maximise academic results and learning outcomes.
Duration: 1.5 hours
Links directly with Andrew’s books Unlocking Your Child’s Genius and Neurodevelopmental Differentiation- Optimising brain systems to maximise learning.

Biohacking Learning
Extends the above session and presents the recent research on how speficic neurochemicals – dopamine, adrenaline, cortisol, acetylcholine, oxytocin- act to create learning. Educators become knowledgeable about how to moderate these in classrooms to increase engagement and learning.
Duration: 1-1.5 hours

Powerful Ways to Improve Student Engagement and Behaviour
The aim of behaviour management is not for you to manage their behaviour but for students to manage their own behaviour.
Teachers will be equipped to
- Apply stagecraft, anchoring and calming strategies to their classrooms.
- Understand anger and how to manage it.
- Apply knowledge of neurochemistry as to engagement and behaviour
- Group dynamics and how they relate to different issues at specific times of the year.
Duration: 1.5 hours.
Links directly with Andrew’s book Tricky Behaviours and Tricky Teens and e-book Guerrilla Tactics for Teachers.

Learning Strengths and Neuro-developmental Differentiation
When teachers know their own learning strengths they can consider ways to broaden their repertoires of teaching to be more inclusive and differentiated.
When teachers know their students learning strengths they can maximize student voice and engagement in learning.
The approach of Neurodevelopmental differentiation empowers students, parents and teachers and moves them towards success.
Duration: 1.5 hours
Links directly to Andrew’s books, Unlocking Your Child’s Genius and Neurodevelopmental Differentiation- Optimising brain systems to maximise learning.

The Seven Types of Tricky Kids and How to Engage Them
Outlines 7 different of kids- invisible worriers, defence lawyers, it’s my way or I don’t play, the perpetually disgruntled, ticking timebombs, the lights are on but no one’s home and the listless do-littles- and outlines strategies that can be used in schools, families and in wellbeing situations to engage these young people.
Duration: 1.5 hours
Links directly to Andrew’s books, Tricky Behaviours and Tricky Teens.

Reverse Engineering Schools
This presentation discusses two of the major aims of school- increasing academic potential and developing a sense of positive identity in young people. We review the research on the key cognitive, emotional, social, and developmental milestones that need to be developed as a priority in each stage backwards from graduation to school entry.
Schools and communities can then map and curate the journey of development they provide their students, discuss why different strategies are needed at specific developmental stages and to review their current practices.
Duration: 1.5 hours
Links directly to Andrew’s research on learning and resilience as well as his reviews of many schools.

Tricky and Difficult Conversations
No one enjoys conflict and sadly we all have some if this to deal with whether with challenging parents or students. This workshop covers the fine art of dealing with conflictual conversations well. It relates to issues with students, parents and even colleagues.
Duration: 1.5 hours
Links directly with Andrew’s book Tricky People

The Language of Change
Educators work to create positive influence. The skills of creating high-impact conversations involve pacing, utilisation, reframing and solution -focused questions. Teachers will be equipped to use these skills in increasing their impact.
Duration: 1.5 hours
Links directly with Andrew’s book From Surviving to Thriving- Creating Mental Health in Young People.

Staff Resilience and Wellbeing
Educators need a lot of energy to perform at their best. We also want our staff to be great role models about how to live wonderful lives.
Based on extensive research, this workshop helps people to increase their own wellbeing.
The main gains from the workshop are for people to:
- Understand human energy, what increases it and how to use it best
- Circadian and ultradian rhythms and how they impact on learning
- Manage their time and energy and more effectively.
- Manage timelines and demands in ways that minimises stress and worry.
- Identify the most powerful ways of promoting personal well-being.
The staff wellbeing session includes:
- A mood review
- Increasing energy
- Switching off at the end of the day in order to rest and sleep better
- Using their kitchen to build the neurochemicals that underpin optimal functioning
- Foods, strategies, and supplements to consider in increasing wellbeing
- Mitochondria and mental wellbeing
- Proactive planning
Duration: 1 to 1.5 hours

Student Resilience and Wellbeing- The Big Impact Strategies
The key elements of creating resilience, well-being and mental health are:
- Reducing anxiety
- Increasing social networks and quality relationships
- Concentration and reducing distractibility
- Sleep and effective rest
- Reducing excessive gaming and increasing movement
- Building motivation
Schools are empowered to increase these factors in a practical, easy to implement, time effective manner.
Duration: 1 to 1.5 hours

Teaming- Sustaining High Performing Teams
Effective schools rely on high performing teams. This equips schools to apply the CARE model- connect, ask & access strengths, reassure and empower. Includes connecting with purpose and authenticity, mapping and utilising the strengths of team members, identifying languages of recognition, managing differences, consolidating the team to create effective change, marketing key messages and sustainability.
Duration: 1.5 hours

Resilience across the Lifespan
Understanding of the stresses and opportunities of different stages of life increases resilience. In our role we help people of many different ages, children, teens, parents, grandparents as well as our colleagues at different stages of adulthood.
This workshop will increase your ability to look after and understand yourself but also
your ability to help and understand others.
Duration 2- 2.5 hours
Links directly to Andrew’s books Your Best Life at Any Age and The A to Z of Feelings.

Converting Neurodiversity Into Neuro-advantage
Students with neurodiversity include students who are gifted, those who are oppositional or have dyslexia, or experience attention issues such as ADHD, or have experienced trauma as well as those who are on the spectrums. Each of these groups have strengths as well as vulnerabilities that can be catered for in classrooms. Teachers are equipped with strategies for each group.
Duration 1.5 hours
Links directly with Andrew’s books Unlocking Your Child’s Genius and Neurodevelopmental Differentiation- Optimising brain systems to maximise learning.

The Learning Brain
How teachers can use research from neuroscience to increase leaning outcomes.

The Resilient Mindset
Research my team has completed on 190.000 students reveals a resilient mindset. This extends the idea of a growth mindset and gives teachers clear strategies for helping anxious and avoidant learners develop more productive learning strategies. It also provides a comprehensive way of handling behavioural issues.

Neuro-developmental Differentiatiion – the science of effective differentiation
Imagine if all your students were aware of their learning strengths? Imagine if all of the teachers in your school could develop ways to build upon these learning strengths? Imagine if all of the teachers in your school could diagnose blockages to learning and develop strategies and activities to overcome them?
This research takes teachers into the world of being diagnosticians of learning and the developers of activities that enable all learners to thrive.

From Stressed to Strong- Systematic Mental And Resilience Training
Designed for school leaders, teachers, parents or students. Based on extensive research and trialling this course helps people to effectively thrive in high-pressure situations.
The main gains from the course are for people to:
- Learn how not to turn a challenge into a crisis – Be mindful in the moment
- Make plans that create differences
- Find their authentic selves
- Maximise their power points
- Learn when life gives you lemons, how to turn them into lemonade

Student Behaviour- Management and Engagement- a how to guide for teachers
Designed for school leaders, teachers, parents or students. Based on extensive research and trialling this course helps people to effectively thrive in high-pressure situations. The main gains from the course are for people to:
- Learn how not to turn a challenge into a crisis – Be mindful in the moment
- Make plans that create differences
- Find their authentic selves
- Maximise their power points
- Learn when life gives you lemons, how to turn them into lemonade

Neuroscience and Education
This is a course based on the knowledge and skill needs of your team. Includes topics such as: Motivating learners by getting their brains into states which help them to learn. Increasing the sensory inputs to make learning richer, stronger and more interesting. Ways of optimising the level of attention in learners. Designing learning in ways which make sense to different learners. Types of memories and ways of helping learners remember. Testing, experimenting and practising as techniques for learning more effectively. Effective reviewing to make learning stick.

Seven Types of Tricky Kids and How to Engage Them
Looks at the different types of students that present behavioural challenges and how to handle them.

Mindset: The Psychology of Success
How to sharpen your brain for success in life.

Tricky People, Tricky Behaviours
How to deal with horrible types before they ruin your life. Whether they are parents, colleagues or family members, this presentation equips people with the skills to deflect and deal with the angry the bewildered and the self-obsessed.

Resilience and Well-Being Across the Life Span
How to live a great life and promote resilience for all people.

Thriving in the Senior Years of School
The senior years of school present a unique and perplexing challenge to students and their parents.
This workshops helps both to negotiate their way through these years towards the best outcomes possible.

Maximise Your Marks
Achieving high levels of success at school requires developing an effective system to obtain that outcome. This talk outlines research – based active ingredients that both parents, teachers and students can do to boost their academic results.

Resilience Ambassadors
This involves young people in acquiring the skills of leadership, becoming a change agents as well as developing and implementing a positive project to create a change in the world. Research shows that this is an effective way of increasing resilience in young people.

Cyber Doctors
Young people are trained to become a resource within their school for cyber- safety and cyber -learning. Includes the development of cyber safety policies and ways to assist victims of cyber -bullying.